Class in Session – What are we learning?   

Dianne Ward image
by Dianne Ward,
Dir. of Org. Dev.

This month launches a new series of top issues our participants discuss in their leadership classes with us.  At any given time, we may have 50 to 70 active participants, so rest assured, we have a good pulse on current challenges!   This month, we are talking about one of the most challenging skills to learn – The Art of Delegation. 

Some of the comments we hear: 

  • “I know I need to delegate more.”
  • “I can’t trust the job will get done correctly.”
  • “It is faster to do it myself.”
  • “I know I need to free up time to do bigger things.”

In our class, we become aware of our attitudes about delegation and exactly what is holding us back.  We are mostly all in the same boat, and we relate to the struggle of letting go.  This awareness increases our desire to change.   

We learn that our primary responsibility is to get work done through other people.   Some tips that help us accomplish this with delegation include: 

  • Make a plan for what is appropriate to delegate 
  • Explain, teach, demonstrate exactly what is being delegated 
  • Closely monitor performance (especially in the beginning) 
  • Be generous with feedback, both positive and negative 
  • Give the person the responsibility and authority 
  • Celebrate their growth! 

We encourage every participant to actively experiment with delegation, and we provide exercises, worksheets, and coaching.  While there may be some hesitancy at first, we hear amazing stories as our students progress.  We recently received the comment from one leader that he is amazed that he has A LOT more time in his day to focus on his strategic responsibilities.  Another leader told us that sharing responsibilities with her team has become fun and has increased the feeling of accountability across her department. 

Learning to delegate is an art that everyone can learn.  I smile in our first class when leaders share their biggest hope is to learn how to delegate.  I smile because I know that with their commitment and our plan, they will be successful.  I smile because I know that their life and the spirit of their team is about to get better! 

What is holding you back from delegating?  What can you do today to delegate even one task?  If you need support with the ideas above or are interested in joining us for a future class, please reach out to us – we are committed to your success! 

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