Bringing work home?
Working too many hours?
No life balance?

Earn SHRM credits while strengthening your leadership skills and finding more balance.

Ineffective leadership costs you time and energy.

Our leadership development programs are geared just for you.  In addition to providing SHRM PDC’s, our programs help participants develop better productivity and leadership attitudes, habits and skills.  These programs with bi-weekly sessions are designed to help you put what you are learning into action, providing the tools you need to see results you can measure.

We provide high-quality training to address your leadership development needs at all levels.

Earn HR credits through
live online or in-person
programs – your choice!

Live, interactive courses facilitated by a Leadership Management International certified facilitator put your required PDC’s to work for you. Build your professional leadership and productivity skills while meeting the requirements for your HR recertification.

Experience first-hand our award-winning process that puts ideas into action.

The OpX Solutions Process

We coach and facilitate you through a proven process of leadership development and personal growth that includes:

Bi-weekly, small group facilitated sessions
Immediate application of concepts in the workplace to develop new behavior
Formal mentorship process to help facilitate change
Assessments for self-awareness
Multi-sensory spaced repetition to better retain knowledge and develop a more positive attitude
Setting and achieving goals


Professionals from health care, to government, to manufacturing, technology, and small business have benefited from our focused and effective professional development programs. Don’t take our word for it – see what your peers are saying: 

The fact that I am going on vacation next week and there is absolutely nothing that I need to do to keep the company operating is a great testament to the things I have learned and implemented because of the two leadership courses I have taken with OpX Solutions.

– David Todd

President & Owner / EZ Rampz Mobility Solutions

Your Next Step


Schedule an Appointment Today!

We want to help, but we can’t do that without understanding your goals. Please schedule some time to chat with us about your leadership development or assessment needs.

Click to Schedule Now