What did the first day of 2024 feel like for you and your team? If you are feeling a little sluggish, how do you think your team may be feeling? Truth is, whether we want to admit it or not, we all need a little help to get refocused, recharged and inspired. Here are a couple of suggestions to get your car (aka Your Team) back on the road:
1. Establish focus – “You have everyone back in the car, now where are we going?”
Have you set your strategy and goals for 2024? If not, this is the time to get those things on paper and communicate them to your team. To support the strategy, it is critical that team and individual goals map directly to the strategy and that each team member can see the value they bring to the top line goal. If developing the strategy and goals are the engine, then creating action plans are the fuel that keeps it pumping. Make sure your team has a clear path to achieve their goals and that you know where you can support them. And lastly, before we get too excited that we have developed a strategy, created goals, and developed action steps, we need to ensure we have designed a tracking system for measurement.
2. Relationship with each team member – “Who likes to travel and who may get car sick?”
A lot could have happened since “last year”, so it is important to re-establish your connection to each team member as an individual. That extra discretionary effort that we hope to achieve from each team member can only come from a strong leader/team member connection. Before the year gets too busy, put time on your calendar now to reconnect with each of your team members. Schedule a one-on-one meeting to set a great foundation for the year. In these meetings, you can hear from your team members about their plans, desires, and concerns for the upcoming year. Listen for clues to tell you what motivates them and how you can support them through difficulties. Discuss their goals, challenges and begin to draft their development plans for the year.
3. Support Healthy Team Dynamics – “It’s going to be a miserable ride if we don’t get along, . . .”
You play a huge role in the culture of your team, and they look to you to see how this year may look for them. Don’t leave them guessing about your plans! Schedule a kick-off meeting to allow the team to review last year’s results and make plans for the upcoming year. Increase team trust by creating/renewing/modifying your existing Team Agreements. Encourage the team to set team growth goals on how they will communicate, what development plans are needed, and how they will all serve as leaders in the team. And lastly, have your team review their value contribution to the organization and identify areas to improve any gaps (capabilities, processes, client engagement).
There are lots of ways to get your team re-engaged, and the most important part is that you recognize that you have the responsibility for this. As their leader, you have the best insight and wisdom to lead them. If you need support with the ideas above, please reach out to us – we are committed to your success! And just gotta’ ask “Are we there yet?” 😊
Dianne Ward, Director of Organizational Development for OpX Solutions, is a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation with both executive and team coaching certifications. Contact us if you would like to speak with Dianne about how she can help you and your organization excel.