It’s Spring! – Preparing your garden (teams) for success!

by Dianne Ward,
Dir. of Org. Dev.

Nothing says Spring more than the excitement of new beginnings and the hope for an abundant harvest. As you prepare to plant your gardens, you think about the timing, the ground, the seeds, and the overall climate. The same is true for your team as you plan their success. You think about the environment, the timing, your team members, the materials, and the work culture. Here are three gardening (i.e. Team Building) tips that can help you have an abundant harvest:

1. Communication – Preparing the soil and the climate

Effective communication is the environment that will support a healthy harvest. Review the communication methods you currently use with your team (daily huddles, team meetings, emails, etc) and ask yourself, am I being clear with what I expect? Do I check to ensure that communication has truly occurred (i.e. The same understanding on both sides?) In my communications, do I directly initiate a positive thought process or ensure a business outcome? How healthy is both downward and upward communication in my team? Take time to make sure the ground (i.e. communication from you and between team members) is healthy and ready to support growth.

2. Training – Preparing seeds for success

Every great gardener provides the essentials for his plants to thrive – the same is true for great leaders and their team. One of the primary tools is to ensure that your team is trained for the roles they are performing. Have you reviewed the job descriptions and discussed them with your individual team members – do they know the critical skills that are required, and have they been trained? If not, what needs to be adjusted in your training program? Take time to make sure you have equipped your team with all the tools (i.e. skills and confidence) they need to be successful.

3. Feedback – Giving ongoing support

The growing season is long, and many conditions change as time goes on. How often do you check on the progress of your plans and make the necessary adjustments? How can you tell if your plans are “withering” or “flourishing”? Who owns the ultimate results that are achieved? It is totally normal (and expected) to make adjustments as time goes by to ensure ultimate results, so don’t be afraid to jump in there and get your hands dirty!

What garden tips can you use to increase the bounty of your teams? How can your team contribute to the success of your garden? If you need coach support with the ideas above, please reach out to us – we are committed to your success!


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